Monday, September 1, 2008

RockBand and Guitar Hero are creating Wannabe's

In a world where people look for shortcuts to everything there is one thing for sure. Games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero are creating a lot of Wannabe's. Since there is really no musical skills to these games there isn't a real chance to be that great lead guitar player they try to immulate in the game or that great rock drummer they pretend to be.

I say this because I have heard many kids come into the music store and say they are taking lessons from these games. HUH?

Simply put, they are playing on nothing more than a glammed up version of Simon. They paid alot more money for these musical games since they are doing the cover tune thing. Artists songs are being used and the bands are getting a cut from their songs being used. Sure, that's fair. They wrote and produced the songs.

Anyway, the idea that you are learning valuable skills in the music realm has yet to be proven. You are playing along, mind you, not on an actual instrument, but, a cheap replica so that it works with the game. You surely couldn't use such toys in a real gig (unless you are Milli Vanilli).

And parents shouldn't be so naive to agree with their kids that this is a great lesson teacher. How are they being critiqued and corrected for wrong technique? Only a live teacher can do this.

If people would only focus their energy in the right direction in the first place they could save their selves time and money and get it right the first time.

Anyway, when you are ready for the real thing teachers will be standing by to help you.

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