Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rudiments – An Alternative Approach

An article written by Dr. Laura L. Franklin titled "Rudiments – An Alternative Approach" was recently published by The JOURNAL of PERCUSSION PEDAGOGY Volume 1, No. 1 - October 2008. The topic, in summary, is "It should be understood, however, that rudiments are not necessary for the development of any percussionist, even one primarily interested in playing the marching snare drum. Further, undue focus on the practice and perfection of such a limited number of sticking patterns to the detriment of other areas will result in a player with limited musical abilities."

So that you can read the entire article please refer to .

Dr. Franklin makes some valid points. But do we actually remove rudiments from the beginning studies when mental and muscle development are at their best?

Read the article and let's hear what you have to say.

Ray Sword

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