Thursday, May 1, 2008

Big Book of Scales Being Released Today's creator, Kenneth Ray Sword Jr, has just finished his new book in .pdf format called "The Big Book of Scales for Mallets. Over 300 pages with diagrams of each scale in each key. Over 650 keys.

"This undertaking has been in the works for over 2 months and I am glad to have it finished and ready." Sword said.

Sword handed out rough drafts to colleagues and professors around the US, mostly in Texas, to get their feedback and to test the book with students.

Quoted from Robert Soto ...


I love the e-book buddy! I think it's a great tool, and a must have. I would love to get a copy of the whole thing, how much? This book is similar to Jazz Patterns by Jerry Coker, but I think you've complied more scales and diagrams for your project. I once envisioned doing something like this when I was in high school, but I'm glad you're the one who did it, major applause my friend! ... I think this is a great idea, and it's something to have especially when teaching young jazz musicians.


Robert Soto M.M.
Bass Trombonist

Robert really understands theory and the importance of scales. He's an educator and performer with Fuego Latino, playing Salsa and Meringue. He is very active in the Jazz scene and symphony scene, too. He received his Bachelor's at UTEP and his Masters at Yale in Music.

The best part is anyone can get this book and benefit. Based on theory studies and yet anyone in music will gain great practice from it.

It's worth looking at to see if it will help you and/or your student(s).

Frank Gonzalez, 2006 DCI Solo Marimba Champion, has been trying it out with his students with much success.

Art Avila, endorsed by Promark Drumsticks, is using it with his frontline players that he teaches in El Paso, TX.

See more about it here. Big Book of Scale for Mallets

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